What is a private prison? (prison for profit) What is contributing to high incarceration rates? How can we reduce prison population? What is criminal justice reform? How do we change the criminal justice system? How do we end prison for profit policies? All these and more answered here.


Criminals. Society outcasts, predators, lazy, ignorant, poor, mentally ill... what comes to your mind? They can't follow our rules so who cares about them right? So what if they don't get their medications, clean food or can't escape extreme temperatures? Feels good to be righteous and tout the old adage, "Don't break the law, don't go to jail." doesn't it? Until someone you love is touched by law, you do not know a damn thing about this illusion called the Justice system. Every one of us has broken a law at some point in our lives. Many of them jailable. You've been somewhere you weren't supposed to be. Bounced a check. Lapsed on your car insurance. Lied to get out of jury duty. Drank with an underage person. Operated a vehicle buzzed. Peed where you are not allowed. Forgot to pay for the item on the bottom rack of your shopping cart. Transported a weapon illegally to go hunting. Gone over 20MPH of the speed limit. You sleep believing your own lie of how good a person you are. It's okay. I believe you are by the whole a good person. Perfect by no means. Even my most inspirational person flipped a table, associated with prostitutes and thieves. Through kindness, forgiveness and sacrifice he set a path for us to have a better life and eternal gift.


Over the last several years there has been an increase in civil unrest. There is only one common denominator. We the people are marching along to hundreds of unaccountable board rooms in all aspects of our lives. Our health, food, housing, entertainment, and law all under the influence of the elite building their fortune. Holistic remedies suppressed by big pharma. Technology suppressed and retarded that would crush energy companies. Politicians fed by lobbyists (soldiers of that board room I write about) with their own financial agenda and not the betterment of society. We the people are rising.


Below are links highlighting various issues feeding our high incarceration rates and ideas to improve on. Tough on crime attitudes do not work! In 2000, 95% of all state prisoners are released. Of that 95%, 41% reoffend and go back in. in 2018, 77% reoffend and go back in. Crime rates have decreased since 2000 yet our prisons population is growing because of return prisoners. Why? Penalties for petty offenses are becoming more severe, our justice system puts more emphasis on punishment as deterrent than creating a path to reintegration to society and our society heavily discriminates against felons when released. They are set to fail.



The Issues


Private Prisons| Problem with current justice employee performance system| Bail Bonds| Restorative Justice Model| Parole and Probation getting away with 5thamendment infractions| Alternative Punishments| Corporate Influence and heavier sentencing| Sex Offenders| Legalizing Marijuana| Equal Housing Discrimination| Over use of background checks| About the author





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