Privatization (capitalism) of ANY government element is destroying us. We have credit card companies lobbying for prison sentences on neglected debt. Red light cameras punishing the owner and not the driver by a private company. We have private mental health facilities with under the table donations to other programs District Attorneys, Mayors and Judges benefit from to fill their beds. The grand daddy of them all, the prison for profit system. GEO, CoreCivic (CCA) thrive on our social outcasts. They claim to be cheaper than government ran facilities. Not if they house people longer (through policies created by them to deny good time credit for parole eligibility) and influencing legislature for stricter penalties for crimes that bring their customers in (non violent or acts against a person). Where do these profits come from? Lack of care (schizophrenia medication) and actual rehabilitation programs. Jail does not rehabilitate. It only makes more criminals better at their craft than straighten the wayward.
Texas is ranked 6th highest in the ratio of incarcerated people to population. I heard that statistic and it bothers me. It could only be one of two things. The people of Texas are rotten or the laws we have are excessive. I'm leaning towards excessive and corrupt legal practices the people are revolting against such as Dallas and Baton Rouge. BLM does not have my support by any means. Violence begets violence. I think there is a relationship that should be looked at but in no way validates their actions.
It took me hours on the internet to find evidence of my suspicion. There is a relationship between privatized prisons and incarceration rate. Look for yourself in a nice little map...
Incarceration rate per capita
Privately Owned prison locations
Private prison locations
Incarceration per capita
Study showing private prison hold inmates longer
History of Private (corporate owned) Pri$ons